Thursday, March 13 (between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.) an operation is planned on the authentication server
which may cause connection issues on Sciencesconf
The annual meeting of the GT MFS is organized by the Working Group (GT) "Formal Methods for Security" (MFS) of the GdR Sécurité Informatique. Its goal is to allow everybody in the formal methods community interested by applications linked to security to meet and discuss around these subjects. The meeting welcomes presentations by researchers, practicioners and PhD students.
In 2022 the meeting will take place from March 21 to 23 (arrival on March 20 and departure on March 24 possible) at Villa Clythia, and is organized by Sébastien Bardin (CEA) and Jannik Dreier (LORIA, Université de Lorraine).
In 2022 the meeting changes for a new three-day format.
The program contains both invited introductory talks suitable for a large audience, as well as shorter conritbuted talks presenting works on more specialized subjects. This format should allow everybody to discover new subjects, as well as to discover latest works in their speciality.
We particularly invite young researchers (PhD students, postdocs, ATER, ...) to submit an abstract, present their work and participate in the meeting.
The program also contains time for informal meetings and discussions.
A tool session will provide room for informal discussions around the various tools developed in the community. To participate and present your own tool, please send a mail to
Bring your own Badge (BYOB)
To simplify organisation, reduce cost and our environmental impact, we decided to adopt the new Bring Your Own Badge policy.